Food Security and Livelihoods

IhsanRD’s Food Security and Livelihoods Program focuses on two main tracks: rapid response and development projects.
Rapid response: IhsanRD quickly identifies the needs and immediate response of displaced families through the distribution of ready-to-eat rations and supports bakeries in order to distribute bread and food baskets monthly either directly or through food support vouchers that allow the household to choose the materials needed through stores which IhsanRD has contracted within the communities.
Development Projects: Ihsan works to support agriculture in several areas of Syria, supplying the most farmers in need with key inputs and with the best available standards, and providing various technical training for beneficiaries on good agricultural practices.
To support the recovery of the livestock sector, IhsanRD distributes the necessary inputs to livestock breeders, including cattle, feed, medicines and technical training.
IhsanRD also supports various food processing projects to support income at the household level, especially for women who depend on income.
In addition, IhsanRD is implementing varied projects in the rehabilitation and restoration of furnaces and food security facilities and returning them to the production chain through the cash-for-work program for the most vulnerable families.

Reached Beneficiaries


Supporting Small Projects and Vocational Training to Build a Strong Community
Through supporting small projects and providing vocational training, we strive to create an environment that offers real opportunities for growth ...
Sustainable development in northern Syria relies on the integration of efforts to achieve balance
Sustainable development in northern Syria relies on the integration of efforts to balance economic, social, and environmental needs. Enhancing economic ...
Small Grants Project Empowers 50 Individuals in Northwest Syria
As part of our continued efforts in the Economic Empowerment Program in northern Syria, Ihsan Relief and Development, one of ...
Supporting 900 Farmers in Northwest Syria with Seeds and Training to Enhance Food Production
More than 900 farmers in Marea, A’zaz, Armanaz, Kafar Takharim, and other areas in northwest Syria receive high-quality agricultural inputs ...
Income Generation Exhibition for Women Entrepreneurs at the Northern Syrian Center
In a step towards empowering women entrepreneurs in northern Syria, our team at the Kammouna Center held an income generation ...
Economic Empowerment Program: Enhancing Economic Opportunities in Northwestern Syria
To enhance #job opportunities and achieve sustainable income for individuals in northwest Syria, our #Economic Empowerment Program aims to help ...
/ Economy, FSL, Latest News, News, NWS, Support, Syria
4,300 families benefit from the cash voucher project
Ihsan for Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum‘s programs, partnered with GOAL to distribute cash vouchers to 4,300 ...
/ FSL, FSL, Latest News, News, Syria
Cash support projects provide the basic needs of families (video)
Cash assistance projects play a crucial role in addressing the fundamental and day-to-day needs of beneficiaries such as food and ...
/ FSL, FSL, Latest News, News, Syria, Video
Improving Livelihoods for Women in The Western Countryside of Aleppo
400 women participated in harvesting legumes as part of the project to support farmers in the western countryside of Aleppo ...
/ FSL, FSL, Latest News, News, Syria
“If the farmer does not plant, the rest of society will not eat”
A project to support and empower farmers in A’zaz, with the aim of developing food security in northern Syria and ...
/ FSL, FSL, Latest News, News, Syria
Supporting 200 farmers and developing agriculture in northern Syria
Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, works in cooperation with GIZ to support more than 200 ...
/ FSL, FSL, Latest News, News, Syria
Those women are amazing, they turned the fabric scraps into valuable pieces
Our masks’ manufacturing project has been completed. It has produced 1,133,000 non-medical masks, taking into account sterilization standards. The project ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Another story for a displaced family, the hero this time is the elder sister
In a humble tent sewn from cloth, Samah, 30, lives with her two sisters and brother in the harsh conditions ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Success Stories
Training of beneficiaries in the Small-Grants Project funded by KSrelief
Following-up to the implementation of the Small-Grants Project in the northern countryside of Aleppo, funded by King Salman Humanitarian Aid ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Mamdouh goes back to growing wheat in his field
Mamdouh Saleh, 55, from Al Hawash village in Hama countryside. He and his family with eight children faced harsh conditions ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Success Stories
IhsanRD has launched Olive Tree Support project in southern Idlib countryside
What do olive trees mean to the people of Idlib? They are not just a source of food, they are ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Electronic food voucher project
Mrs. Amira fled out with her children from the besieged Ghouta towards northern Syria. “During the siege we couldn’t afford ...
/ FSL, Videos
Musab returns to his field
When you are a father of 6 and your profession is agriculture, the way you feel at harvest time is ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Success Stories
Suffering after displacement, Fawzi experience in Cash-For-Work activity with the IhsanRD
The story hasn’t finished yet … the suffering of Fawzi and his family has not ended with the end of ...
/ Education, FSL, Latest News, Success Stories
The family’s cow gives birth to a new calf
Have you ever wondered how you would feel when seeing a newly born calf? How will you take care of ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Success Stories
Distribution of food baskets in cooperation with WFP – Video
“Humanity means giving. When God secures your own humanity, you will give everything you have in return.” – Ghayath, a ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
IhsanRD’s team has distributed 1350 shares of meat during Eid al-Adha
The days of (Festival of Sacrifice) Eid al-Adha are days of cooperation and endeavor to bring happiness to others. Because ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Funded by King Salman Relief Center, a new project to support Small Business Grants in the northern countryside of Aleppo
Believing in the ability of the Syrians to make living and produce, and towards empowering the most vulnerable people in ...
/ FSL, Latest News
How monthly food baskets assist displaced families to survive in northern Syria
From displacement to another, the suffering of Syrians continues. Hoping to return to their homes one day, the families now ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Livestock Support Project
In Livestock Support Project funded by KSRelief, not only are we delivering cows to the most vulnerable families, but we ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
Rehabilitation Of main bakery in Mohambel
At IhsanRD, we believe that our mission to support food security in Syria is not limited to emergency response in ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
Story of Thabit – Home Gardening Project
In the Home Gardening Project, we do not only provide agricultural tools and resources, but IhsanRD’s team also trains beneficiaries ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Success Stories, Videos
Funded by King Salman Humanitarian Aid And Relief Centre, IhsanRD launched a new project to support small businesses in northern Syria
Believing in the ability of the Syrians to make living and produce, and towards empowering the most vulnerable people in ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Supporting agricultural activities and livestock in several governorates of Syria, funded by King Salman Relief Center
One would be impressed by the Syrians’ determination to continue their lives in the face of a fierce war that ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Rehabilitation of Kafranbul Bakery
Receiving warm fresh bread puts smiles on the faces of Syrian people. IhsanRD’s team continues to rehabilitate bakeries and distribute bread to ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
Food processing center in Kafranbul
Cheese, yogurt and labneh are essential dishes at the Syrians’ breakfast. In food processing centers, the mothers make milk products ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
IhsanRD team continues to implement the rehabilitation project of Mehemble bakery in the governorate of Idlib
Bread is an essential food for people in general and for the Syrians in particular. Perhaps Syrians are the most ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Gardening and training, these are the main aspects of the new IhsanRD project to support agriculture
In Syria, which has been suffering from a continuous war for more than seven years in which the number of ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Food vouchers, help for families and support for the local economy
Saleh, a breadwinner for his family of a wife and four children recalls his family suffering in securing food after ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Distribution of monthly food baskets in Idlib countryside
In Syria, many people sleep hungry, It’s our humanitarian duty towadrs them to feel their suffering. Together to support them ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
Food baskets distribution in cooperation with the World Food Program
While displacement is still ongoing, and food is still hard to access; our response is still taking place to fulfil ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
IhsanRD holds training seminars for farmers within the “Inter-crops” project in the northern countryside of Homs
In Syria, every season the farmer relies on his land for living. However, harsh conditions of war have led him ...
/ FSL, Latest News
“Cash for Work” project – Renovation of the automated bakery in Ar-Rastan
Have you ever met a Syrian citizen? Oxford Definition: ̶a̶ ̶n̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶i̶n̶h̶a̶b̶i̶t̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶S̶y̶r̶i̶a̶,̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶S̶y̶r̶i̶a̶n̶ ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
Food Processing Centers in Daraa – Video
and home, and because they are capable of producing and manufacturing and have the will to support themselves and their ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
As part of its Emergency Response Plan for IDPs, IhsanRD has distributed food baskets in Idlib countryside
As the number of displaced people in rural Idlib reaches to about 400 thousand displaced according to the “Response Coordinators ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team finishes tillage and seed stage within “Intercropping” project in the northern Homs countryside.
After registering the farmers in the intercropping” project,  field verification visits have been conducted and standards tests were applied on ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team responds to the recent displacement from Sinjar and Eastern Hama
The displacement movement continues from both eastern countryside of Idlib and Hama to inside Idlib province and border camps to ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD had presented thanks cards to local councils of 37 villages in Jisr Al-Shughour
At the end of the project, which was implemented by IhsanRD in partnership with the World Food Program (WFP) to ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Distribution of food support vouchers for 500 families within the Emergency Response Plan for IDPs in Southern Idlib countryside
IhsanRD has launched a food support project within the Emergency Response Plan for the Displaced in Southern Idlib countryside. The ...
/ FSL, Latest News
In order to empower women, IhsanRD has launched food processing centers in Daraa
The war in Syria did not exclude any civilians and did not differentiate between men, women or children. The suffering ...
/ FSL, Latest News
The activities of the cash-for-work project are still continuing with 250 workers in the northern Homs countryside
The workers registered with IhsanRD continue to work on rehabilitating some food facilities in the northern Homs countryside as part ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Distributing winter irrigation support vouchers for 800 farmers in the western Aleppo countryside
Within the project implemented by IhsanRD in collaboration with WHH and funded by the German Foreign Office to strengthening the ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD has launched a project to provide food support to 1250 families in the Western countryside of Aleppo
More than 13.1 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in Syria, while the number of IDPs is 6.3 ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Examine samples of seeds and fertilizers before provision to farmers in the project of intercropping
Within the framework of the intercropping project initiated by the IhsanRD in the northern Homs countryside, the seed samples were ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team has completed the rehabilitation of a central reserve bakery in the southern countryside of Idlib
Despite the ongoing war in Syria, IhsanRD continues its projects to restore food security and ensure safe access to food ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Within the Emergency Response Plan, IhsanRD team continues to distribute food aid
Distribution of food baskets to the most people in need in the communities hosting IDPs continues within Emergency Response plan ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team carries out the verification and registration of farmers within Support Inter-Agriculture project in northern Homs countryside
Within Support Inter-Agriculture project implemented by the IhsanRD in the northern Homs countryside, the project team conducted the field survey ...
/ FSL, Latest News
4000 bread bags daily, IhsanRD team continues to provide people with bread in Jisr al-Shughour and Kafr Nobol
The distribution of bread in Jisr Al Shagour city has been continuing within the project implemented by Food Security and ...
/ FSL, Latest News
The first phase of Cash-for-Work project is done and starting the rehabilitation of Rastan bakery
The first phase of Cash-for-Work project was completed in the northern countryside of Homs where most of the construction materials, ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Support of Inter-Agriculture, a new project by IhsanRD in the Northern Homs countryside
Through its projects, Ihsan for Relief and Development continues to support the most vulnerable people and reach the besieged areas ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Rehabilitation project of central bakery serving 60,000 people in the southern countryside of Idlib
In cooperation with WHH, IhsanRD works to support livelihoods and improve safe access to food within the rural areas of ...
/ FSL, Latest News
250 families in northern Homs countryside receive support within Cash for Work project
As part of Food and Livelihood program in IhsanRD, cash-for-work project has been launched in the northern Homs countryside, which ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team continues to distribute food support vouchers to 2600 families in rural Idlib
As a part of the emergency response plan in Ihsan for Relief and Development and Welthungerhilfe together have been reached ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Local Product By Syrian Women, A New Project By IhsanRD in Rural Idlib
Because the Syrian women have their special place in the society and home, and because they are capable of producing ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team distributing agricultural voucher in Atarb
For more than six years, Syrian people have been suffering from the cruel conditions of the war, during which the ...
/ FSL, Latest News
IhsanRD team delivers food aid to 4,600 families in Jisr al-Shughour
As part of the emergency response plan in Ihsan for Relief & Development and in cooperation with World Food Program ...
/ FSL, Latest News
A new project by Ihsan to support the agriculture in Idleb
Through its Food Security and Livelihoods Program, Ihsan aims to achieve self-sufficiency for local communities in Syria and to mitigate ...
/ FSL, Latest News, WHH001
In a daily basis, 2000 bread bags is being distributed by Ihsan team in Jisr Al-Shughour
In a daily basis, Ihsan team in Jisr Al-Shughour continues to distribute bread to the people within the activities of ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Eight-hundred farmers are part of new Ihsan project with WHH in western rural of Aleppo
As part of Food Security and Livelihood Program, Ihsan for Relief and Development in collaboration with WHH has launched a ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Distribution of food baskets in Jisr ِAl-Shughour area
Ihsan Relief and Development in cooperation with the World Food Programme distributes food baskets to four thousand six hundred families ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Distributing free bread on the internally displaced people in southern rural of Idlib
Ihsan for Relief and Development together with Welthungerhilfe (WHH) is starting free bread distributions to Internally Displaced People (IDPs) and ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Launching a Project to Support Farmers in Ruj Plain and Sarqib for the Season 2017-2018
Under the Food Security and Livelihoods Support Program, Ihsan started implementing an agricultural project for the 2017-2018 season in Idleb ...
/ FSL, Latest News

Distribution of Food Baskets to 21,000 Families in Sinjar, Azaz and Jisr al-Shughour Areas

Within the slogan of “Providing a better life for Syrians” and in order to support the families most in need ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Launching of Cash for Work Project in Al-Ghab Plain
The Al-Ghab Plain area in north-western of Hama governorate has many irrigation channels that contribute to supply water to the ...
/ FSL, Latest News
Rainwater Harvesting Project
Rainwater harvesting project in Idlib Governorate The number of beneficiaries  is 100 families ...
/ FSL, Latest News, Videos
IhsanRD is still operate during Ramadan, for our families in Syria.
Our relief projects is still operate during Ramadan, for our families in Syria. As Ihsan for Relief and Development is ...
/ Aleppo, Food baskets, FSL, pressroom, Ramadan, Syria
The House-gardening project in Idleb
The House-gardening project highlights a high contribution of achieving Foods-security in our Syria. ‪#‎Ihsan‬ for relief and development is still providing ...
/ FSL, FSL, Idlib, pressroom, Syria
IhsanRD is implementing an agricultural Development Project in Idlib Governorate.
In pursuit of achieving #Food Security, and the contribution to improve the livelihoods, also to reduce the suffering our families ...
/ FSL, FSL, Idlib, IDPs, Syria
The Home Gardens’ Project of Ihsan’s project at rural ‪#‎Homs‬, Syria
The Agriculture Project is considered as one of the most important resources of ‪#‎Food_Security‬ and income for more than 190 thousand of ...
/ FSL, FSL, Homs, Syria
‪#‎Ihsan‬ distributed 7500 food packages to the IDP in ‪#‎Aleppo‬ Suburbs ‪#‎Syria
‪#‎Ihsan‬ one of the ‪#‎Syrian_Forum‬ 6 institutions distributed 7500 food packages to the IDP in ‪#‎Aleppo‬ Suburbs ‪#‎Syria‬ ...
/ Aleppo, FSL, FSL, IDPs, Syria
Ihsan distributed tools to cultivate ‪#‎homegardens‬ for families in ‪#‎Idlib‬
Ihsan for ‪#‎Relief‬ and ‪#‎Development‬ distributed tools to cultivate‪#‎homegardens‬ for families in ‪#‎Idlib ...
/ FSL, Idlib, Syria
development projects in agricultural and ‪#‎food‬ security sector.
‪#‎Ihsan‬ for Relief and Development is committed to contribute to the reviving of the agricultural sector through a series of development ...
/ FSL, FSL, Idlib, Syria
agricultural project executed by #Ihsan in the besieged areas north of #Homs – Syria.
“Home Gardens” an agricultural project executed by #Ihsan in the besieged areas north of #Homs – Syria. Within its series of Food Security programs, ...
/ FSL, FSL, Homs, Syria
Ihsan Distributes Frozen Meat in the Countryside of Lattakia
In cooperation with Physicians Across Continents, Ihsan for Relief and Development, an institution of the Syrian Forum, distributed 250 packages ...
/ FSL, FSL, Lattakia, Syria
Agricultural project in Al-Assaly District
Syrian Forum’s Ihsan for Relief and Development completed a wheat and vegetable farming project jointly with Ghiras al Nahda in ...
/ FSL, Ghiras al Nahda, Rural Damascus, Syria
Providing 50 tons of flour to support a bakery in rural Idleb
Ihsan for Relief and Development coordinated with Human Appeal to support a Al-Ghadafeh Bakery in rural Idlib by providing 50 ...
/ FSL, FSL, Human Appeal, Idlib, Syria
Providing 2000 tons of flour to Northern Syria
On September 20, 2014, a humanitarian NGO announced its intentions to send 2000 tons of flour and 10,000 health and ...
/ FSL, Human Appeal, Syria, Turkey