
Empowerment Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Empowering Women in Atarib: Technology Courses and Family Awareness

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The Women’s Empowerment Center in Al-Atarib, operated by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, works to enhance youth and women’s capacities and develop their skills through various programs.

These programs include courses in technology, such as robotics and photography, as well as awareness sessions focused on building strong and healthy families. Topics discussed include effective family communication and positive parenting approaches.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology #photography

Creative Journey with Colors of Hope at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin

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An Artistic Journey Filled with Colors of Hope!

Young girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin participated in a unique creative experience through a painting activity.

The participants showcased their talents with stunning artworks that expressed their thoughts and feelings, connecting with each other in an atmosphere full of fun and learning.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #empowerment #paint

Small Grants Project Empowers 50 Individuals in Northwest Syria

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As part of our continued efforts in the Economic Empowerment Program in northern Syria, Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, has partnered with Solidarités International to launch a small grants project supporting over 50 beneficiaries in Millis and Armanaz.

The project aims to provide financial support to help beneficiaries start their own businesses, such as tailoring, cars’ repair, livestock breeding, and other professions that enhance their economic capabilities and build a better future for local communities.

#Development #stability #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment #men

Raising awareness of children’s rights at the “Legal Protection of Children” event in Armanaz

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At the “Legal Protection for Children” event in Armanaz, our team focused on raising awareness about children’s rights and the importance of protecting them from all forms of abuse and exploitation.

We conducted workshops for parents and interactive activities that emphasized appropriate ways to handle child rights concerns and how to report violations.

We also offered educational sessions to equip children with the knowledge to understand their rights and protect themselves in a safe and effective manner.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community #Children #childcare

Empowering Women in Northwestern Syria

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At our Women’s Empowerment Centers in northwest Syria, our wonderful teams are committed to boosting the psychological, social, and economic capacities of women. Through awareness sessions and vocational training, along with creating a safe space for empowerment, we enhance the roles women play in family and community building. These efforts are essential to our comprehensive vision for Syria’s future.

#Development #stability #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment

Income Generation Exhibition for Women Entrepreneurs at the Northern Syrian Center

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In a step towards empowering women entrepreneurs in northern Syria, our team at the Kammouna Center held an income generation exhibition with the participation of 15 women who own small businesses, to support them in shaping their future and making a positive impact in their community.

#Development #Investment #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment #Protection

Women Empowerment: Handicrafts and Wall Decor Training in Atarib

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To provide women with personal and creative skills to achieve success in their professional lives and to create safe spaces for them, our teams at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Atarib organized training for women and girls on making handicrafts and wall decorations to start their own entrepreneurial projects enhancing their self-sufficiency and to develop local production capacities and the local economy.

#Development #Investment #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment #Protection

Resilience in Action: Syrian Women Turning Economic Challenges into Opportunities for Change and Empowerment

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Despite the #challenges they face, women in Syria, through their self-reliance, invest in changes imposed by war. They persist in their revolution against their reality, using tools that are simple, striving diligently to preserve their achievements and new roles, building upon them as a solid first step towards #economic #empowerment.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #women #girls #support #economy