
Women Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Empowering Women in Atarib: Technology Courses and Family Awareness

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The Women’s Empowerment Center in Al-Atarib, operated by Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, works to enhance youth and women’s capacities and develop their skills through various programs.

These programs include courses in technology, such as robotics and photography, as well as awareness sessions focused on building strong and healthy families. Topics discussed include effective family communication and positive parenting approaches.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology #photography

Children’s Creativity in Designing Robots at Kafr Karmin Center

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Today, we witnessed incredible creativity from our children during an engaging robot design activity at the Kafr Karmin Center. This project, a collaboration between Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, and UNFPA, allows children to learn basic programming languages, think outside the box, and apply their problem-solving, creative thinking, and teamwork skills to build innovative robots.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology

Creative Journey with Colors of Hope at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin

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An Artistic Journey Filled with Colors of Hope!

Young girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmin participated in a unique creative experience through a painting activity.

The participants showcased their talents with stunning artworks that expressed their thoughts and feelings, connecting with each other in an atmosphere full of fun and learning.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #empowerment #paint

Small Grants Project Empowers 50 Individuals in Northwest Syria

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As part of our continued efforts in the Economic Empowerment Program in northern Syria, Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, has partnered with Solidarités International to launch a small grants project supporting over 50 beneficiaries in Millis and Armanaz.

The project aims to provide financial support to help beneficiaries start their own businesses, such as tailoring, cars’ repair, livestock breeding, and other professions that enhance their economic capabilities and build a better future for local communities.

#Development #stability #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment #men

Distribution of Personal Hygiene Kits in Al-Ziyara Camp, Ma’arrat Misrin

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As part of our ongoing initiatives to support over 1,500 women in camps across Northwest Syria, our teams have provided personal hygiene kits and essential supplies to more than 450 women in the Al-Ziyara camp in Ma’arrat Misrin. This effort aims to improve their living conditions and overall well-being.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #camp #hygiene #women #girls #personal

Robotics Activities for Girls at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Atarib

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Our team at the Al-Atarib Women Empowerment Center provides robotics activities for young girls using a professional approach to boost self-confidence and develop technical skills. Teaching robot building and programming offers opportunities for enhancing teamwork and creative thinking, which contributes to the personal and professional growth of the participants.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology

Panel Discussion at the Legal Clinic in Jindires

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As part of our efforts to raise legal awareness, our team organized a panel discussion at the Legal Clinic in Jindires. The discussion addressed topics related to marriage and divorce, and their positive and negative impacts on families and communities. The panel featured experts in humanitarian field and local officials to shed light on these issues and exchange experiences and opinions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #legal #awareness #family #community

Enhancing Women and Girls’ Skills at the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmeen through Robotics

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In the Women’s Empowerment Center in Kafr Karmeen, our teams work on enhancing the skills of women and girls through robotics’ activities. The program focuses on developing their skills, boosting creative thinking, and communication skills using effective and innovative methods.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #awareness #women #technology #robot

Empowering Women in Northwestern Syria

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At our Women’s Empowerment Centers in northwest Syria, our wonderful teams are committed to boosting the psychological, social, and economic capacities of women. Through awareness sessions and vocational training, along with creating a safe space for empowerment, we enhance the roles women play in family and community building. These efforts are essential to our comprehensive vision for Syria’s future.

#Development #stability #Economy #Project #Women #ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Empowerment

Specialized training in case management and psychosocial support

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To enhance the capabilities of field staff and improve performance for achieving the highest levels of efficiency, our teams conducted focused training in case management and psychosocial support. These training sessions aim to deepen the understanding of child protection principles and create a secure, nurturing environment for kids, which in turn helps mitigate the risks they face in today’s challenging conditions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #protection #community