

Education team at IhsanRD completes training of “Teachers in Crises Context” with the participation of 111 teachers

By | Education, Latest News

Investing in education and children’s development plays a crucial role. It is an investment in the future in which we depend on our children to be the builders of the society of tomorrow, equipped with knowledge and cooperation.

The war that has been threatening Syria’s children for seven years has not deterred many of them from going on the illuminated path of science, hoping for a successful future for them and for their societies. Such dreams are what IhsanRD commits itself to achieve through its work, not only for the relief of the Syrian people but also for the development of society and the capacity building of people.

The education program at IhsanRD promotes the educational process in Syria by supporting students and educational institutions as well as supporting teachers. Because the advancement of the education process is not limited only to support students, it’s also the successful teacher who builds students’ future.

During last month, the education team has conducted a TICC training for teachers (Teachers in Crises Context) in the schools supported by IhsanRD in Al-Atareb in western countryside of Aleppo, where 111 teachers participated in the training sessions. The training included the following topics:
1. Pedagogy and teaching methods.
2. Curriculum, lesson planning, and continuous evaluation.
3. The role, importance, and planning of teachers’ meetings.
4. Child protection and welfare.
5. The role of the teacher (rules of conduct and conflict resolution).

In cooperation with the “White Helmets”, conducting safety and security trainings in the schools supported by IhsanRD

By | Education, Latest News

In a country that used to be bombed by warplanes every day, it was imperative for all people -young children and adults- to learn the fundamentals of dealing with disasters and training on security and safety measures that could be the difference between life and death at any moment.

Through its projects, IhsanRD seeks to save the lives and keep safety of both staff and beneficiaries, by taking the necessary measures to mitigate the risks and carry out periodic safety and security training.

Education Department at IhsanRD, in collaboration with the Syrian Civil Defense developed a safety and security plan, in addition to an evacuation plan in the schools supported by Ihsan Relief and Development in the western Aleppo countryside. Then a specialized trainer from the civil defense “White Helmets” has conducted the necessary training for both teaching staff and students to implement the safety and security plan properly.

The training included the evacuation plan in case schools are at risk, how to use fire extinguishers and ways to extinguish various fires. As well as the distribution of brochures describing the methods of shelter during the bombing and brochures about the remnants of the war of unexploded ordnance.

The trainings were held in 5 schools in the western Aleppo countryside, with 120 teachers and 3450 students.

In addition to safety and security training, IhsanRD provides its schools with safety equipment and fire extinguishers and check them periodically to ensure their effectiveness.

Teachers Learning Circles, a step towards better education within schools supported by IhsanRD

By | Education, Latest News
In order to raise the level of education and provide quality curriculums for students in schools supported by Ihsan for Relief and Development, Teachers Learning Circles in each school are periodically conducted. These circles aim to discuss the work of teachers within same class or same subject, exchange experiences, opinions and suggest improvements to raise performance level of all teachers and education quality. These meetings are part of the IhsanRD project to support of five schools in the western Aleppo countryside with 3250 students.

In order to reintegrate children into education process, IhsanRD distributed 1000 school kits in the north of Syria

By | Education, Latest News, Protection
Protection Program within IhsanRD through the Case Management Team, seeks to provide appropriate growth opportunities for vulnerable children and reintegrate them into schools within the working areas of IhsanRD in Syria, which have recently witnessed a major trend of pushing children to work and dropping out of schools because of the need for income, and the lack of educational institutions in some areas.
IhsanRD team through the case management department aims to identify children who dropped out of education and reintegrate them into appropriate education within the formal or informal education process, ensuring their growth opportunities and strengthen family resources to gain some stability that provides educational growth opportunities for these children.
Last week, protection team in IhsanRD has reached 1000 children in Tqad, al-Sahhara and Armanaz (600 children in Tqad and al-Sahharah , 400 children in Armnaz) to reintegrate them into education again through the linking process and providing school kits containing stationery in addition to a curriculum suitable for the child’s age and educational level. This activity was carried out in cooperation with the Child Protection Network in the project’s areas, which IhsanRD believes in activating its work as local bodies close to the community and directly contribute to the promotion of child protection and protection of vulnerable groups within their regions, IhsanRD teams work closely with the Child Protection Network to support and reactivate its role after deterioration in the last years of the war and the harsh conditions experienced by the Syrian society.
The Case Management Department as a part of protection team in IhsanRD continues to monitor the stability of children in their schools and receive appropriate education.

Parents and Teachers Committee (PTC), joint effort to develop schools supported by IhsanRD

By | Education, Latest News
PTC (Parents Teachers Committees) are committees that meet on a monthly basis in each school supported by IhsanRD. The committees consist of / representatives of the teachers, representatives of the parents, a representative of the educational society, a representative of the educational office, the field officer supervising the school /
Through these meetings, IhsanRD aims to involve community, parents and stakeholders in supporting the educational process by discussing the following topics in the meetings:
  • Develop security and safety plans in schools
  • Discuss the activities carried out in schools and identify weaknesses and gaps in implementation
  • Assist in planning activities to be carried out within the project
  • Highlighting problems in schools and students and helping to resolve them if possible
These meetings are part of the IhsanRD project to support of five schools in the western Aleppo countryside with 3250 students.
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IhsanRD contributes to the support of the educational process in Syria through its educational programs.

By | Education

Death machine continues to harvest more lives and thousands of schools in ‪#‎Syria‬ are being destroyed.

According to international organizations statistics, about five thousand‪#‎schools‬ have been partially or completely destroyed in Syria, which deprived thousands of students from ‪#‎education‬.

In their attempt to find solutions, some institutions have established temporary field schools in less dangerous areas, in addition to repairing and rehabilitation of partially destroyed schools.

Ihsan Relief & Development contributes to the support of the educational process in Syria through its educational programs.
‪#‎Ihsan‬ has already managed to prepare and rehabilitate 3 schools in‪#‎Anadan‬‪#‎Khan‬ Alasl and ‪#‎Kafrbesin‬ in Aleppo.