
warehouse Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Visit of UNICEF Delegation to Ihsan Warehouses in Azaz to Enhance Cooperation

By | Education, Latest News, News, Protection

A delegation from UNICEF visited the warehouses of Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in Azaz at northern Aleppo.

The visit aimed to strengthen the ongoing collaboration between the two organizations and to review the operational procedures to ensure that the necessary security measures are in place to protect the warehouses.

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A Delegation from UNICEF Visits Ihsan Relief and Development Warehouses in Sarmada

By | Latest News, News, Shelter&NFI

A delegation from UNICEF visited the warehouses of Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in Sarmada, as part of the ongoing efforts to enhance humanitarian cooperation between the two organizations.

The visit aimed to review storage methods and procedures to ensure the safety of relief materials. Additionally, the delegation verified the implementation of necessary security measures to protect the warehouses and ensure aid reaches beneficiaries safely and efficiently.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief

UNICEF Delegation Visits IhsanRD Warehouses in Rural Aleppo

By | Latest News, News

As part of the continued collaboration between Ihsan Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, and UNICEF to enhance humanitarian efforts and provide essential support to the people across northern Syria, a UNICEF delegation visited the organization’s warehouses in the western countryside of Aleppo. The visit aimed to examine the storage mechanisms and procedures to ensure the safety of relief materials. Additionally, the delegation ensured that the necessary security measures are met to protect the warehouses, guaranteeing the safe and effective delivery of aid to those in need.

#ihsan #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #visit #UNICEF #warehouse #NorthernSyria #relief