
Health Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

“Your Health is a Trust” Initiative to Raise Health Awareness in Wadi Haj Khalid Camp

By | Latest News, News, Protection

The Child-Friendly Center in Idlib launched the “Your Health is Our Responsibility” initiative at Wadi Haj Khaled camp.

This initiative aims to raise health and hygiene awareness among children and families through focused sessions and the distribution of educational posters, contributing to providing healthy and safe environment for everyone.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Children #awareness #protection #child #health #Idlib #clean #environment #camp

Raising Cholera Awareness at The Bardakli Educational Center

By | Education, Latest News, News

With helpful brochures and educational recreational activities , we strive to enhance the importance of education and spread health awareness about cholera at the Bardaqli Educational Center . This center started with the mobile teacher initiative, then evolved into an educational tent, and today it is an educational center providing compensatory education to our dear students using the best methods .

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #cholera #illness

Improving Water and Sanitation Services in Salqin Camps

By | Latest News, News, Wash

Within the 12 temporary shelters and camps in Salqin, over 11,500 individuals are benefiting from essential water and sanitation services. This includes the installation of water tanks, construction of toilet blocks, and the preparation of septic tanks to ensure proper wastewater management. These efforts aim to create a clean, healthy, and disease-free environment for the people in the area, promoting their well-being and overall quality of life.


#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #WASH #water #watertanks #camps #IDP #Health

Power supply project in Der Ezzor

By | Latest News, News

Syrian Forum’s Ihsan for Relief and Development completed a power supply project in Al-Hatleh village in Der Ezzor. The project entailed the purchasing, transporting, and installing of an electric power generator. The project ensures pumping water directly to village houses. Approximately 39000 people live in Al-Hatleh.