
Camps Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Enhancing Infrastructure in Al-Hawari and Al-Ayadi Camps in Killi

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As part of our water, sanitation, and hygiene projects, our specialized teams have constructed bathroom blocks and installed covers for drainage channels at Al-Hawari and Al-Ayadi camps in Killi.

These projects aim to enhance the infrastructure and provide safe and hygienic facilities for the residents, contributing to improved living conditions and reducing health risks in the camps.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #camp #clean #project

Excavation of Sanitation Lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari Camps to Improve Living Conditions

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As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the living conditions for over 5,500 beneficiaries, our teams started the installation works for sewage lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari camps. This project follows the successful completion of a water station by our water, sanitation, and hygiene teams, underscoring our commitment to providing a healthy and clean environment for the area’s residents.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #sewage #camp #station #clean

Distribution of Tents and Shelter Supplies to Families in Wadi Bsaliya Camp in Armanaz

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As part of the emergency response to the current storms in northwest Syria, our teams provided tents’ insulation for the residents of Wadi Bsaliya camp in Armanaz, to secure a safe shelter for over 100 families and alleviate the damage they might incur due to the current adverse weather conditions.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #winter #rainyday #camp #suffering #storm #Weather #provided

Provision of relief aid to those affected by the storm in Kuyur’s Camp in Armanaz

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In order to alleviate the impact of the recent storm that hit camps in northwest Syria, our teams provided tents’ insulation and hygiene kits to over 250 people in the Kuweires camp in #Armanaz. This initiative aims to ensure the safety and healthy conditions of the residents, and to ease some of their burdens during this challenging time.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #winter #rainyday #camp #suffering #storm #Weather #provided

Health awareness sessions in Northern Idlib camps

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To enhance preventive health measures and advance public health, our teams organized health awareness sessions in the camps of northern countryside of Idlib. Topics covered included personal hygiene, healthy behaviors, and basic dietary guidelines, ensuring the well-being and safety of all residents.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #awareness #Protect #healthylife #Idlib #hygiene #men #women

Harsh Winter in Northern Syrian Camps: Intense Rainfall and Cold Creep into the Lives of Our Children

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A harsh winter and another tragedy that’s been recurring for years to our people in the camps of #northernSyria. A severe rainstorm has swept across the region, making people feel oppression even in the raindrops. We watch our children shivering in the cold, powerless and weak!

We pray to God to help them and alleviate all their suffering.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #camp #winter #suffreing #storm #weather #rainyday

Northern Syria: The Struggle of Displaced People Intensifies with the Arrival of Winter

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The hardship of our people in northern Syria renews with every winter season. Despite the goodness and joy that rain brings to the residents, its presence now paints sadness and suffering on the faces of families whose journey of displacement in the camps of northern Syria has lasted for more than ten years.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #camp #winter #suffreing #storm #weather #rainyday

Harsh Winter Threatens Displaced People in Northwest Syria: Cold, Rain, and Mud

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As winter rolls into northwest Syria, concerns grow over the fate of more than 1.8 million displaced people in displacement camps. Living under harsh conditions, with a lack of food, shelter, and healthcare, these displaced people face the challenges of bitter cold, insufficient heating, and the risk of diseases, in addition to the fear of their tents collapsing and camps flooding. A scene that has been recurring for 12 years.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #Winter #Rainyday #Camps #IDP #Suffering