
Latest News

Installing solar energy at the Abnaa Mahin water station

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To enhance the health conditions of over 8,200 residents in the northern rural areas of Idlib and ensure a clean and sustainable water supply, our teams are in installing a solar power system for the Abnaa Mahin water station. This project aims to boost station efficiency and cut down operational costs.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #life #cleaner #nature #installation #power #water

Supporting Education in Northwest Syria

By | Education, Latest News, News

To enhance the educational system in various regions of northwest Syria, throughout 2023 our teams provided support and operational cost to more than 60 schools, and renovated 78 schools damaged by the Feb 6th earthquake. In addition, we provided job opportunities and salaries to more than 1,500 teaching and administrative staff.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #support #schools #education #future

Child Protection Training at 4 Educational Centers

By | Education, Latest News, News, Protection

In our pursuit to foster a safe environment for students, our teams organized a training on child protection basics at 4 centers, with the participation of 68 teachers. The training focused on building teachers’ capacities and raising awareness about children’s rights and the community’s responsibility in protecting them. The training encouraged educational staff to use positive teaching methods that boost self-confidence and contribute to the development of children’s skills.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #Turkey #Support #Children #Awareness #Protection #Teacher #Education

Solidarity in Jinderes with the Victims of the February Earthquake

By | Latest News, News, Protection

The Women’s Empowerment Center in Jinderes, one of the areas most affected by the disaster, organized solidarity events on the anniversary of the devastating earthquake on February 6, 2023. The events included visiting the graves of colleagues Wafaa Lozeh and Zuhour Ibrahim, who made significant contributions to women during their tenure at the center and lost their lives in the earthquake. In addition, there was a visit to the Civil Defense exhibition, which displayed photos and equipment used in rescue and relief operations.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Aleppo #idlib #earthquake #support #women #empowerment #civildefense #remember

Honoring the Syrian Civil Defense Team in Harbanoush

By | Latest News, News, Protection

On the first anniversary of the devastating February earthquake, we remember with great reverence and appreciation the heroic efforts of the Syria Civil Defense, which they exerted during those difficult days. The team faced immense challenges in the aftermath of the earthquake, and thanks to their courage and sacrifices, they were able to save many lives and limit the disaster’s impact on the families.

In honor of their efforts; our teams at the Community Center in Harbanoush initiated a thank you initiative for the Syria Civil Defense team who responded to the call of duty without hesitation to enhance their noble humanitarian work.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Aleppo #idlib #earthquake #support #women #empowerment #civildefense #remember

Installation of solar energy for the Al-Shami water station in Babsiqa

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In order to provide the necessary energy to sustainably operate the Al-Shami water station, and ensure the delivery of clean water to more than 900 beneficiaries, our teams are working on installing a solar power system at the station, which is an important source of clean water in the Babsiqa area, north of #Idlib.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #life #cleaner #nature #installation #power


Providing Clean Water and Solar Energy in Northwest Syria Camps

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Ensuring access to clean water for drinking and daily use is a vital for more than two million people living in camps in northwest Syria. It is an essential part of ensuring a healthy and dignified life.

In 2023, our teams worked on installing two water stations, in addition to rehabilitating 12 others. We also rehabilitated and installed 7 solar power systems to ensure the stations’ ongoing operation with optimal efficiency, and enhance the living conditions for people in the camps.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #life #cleaner #nature #installation #power

Economic Empowerment Program: Enhancing Economic Opportunities in Northwestern Syria

By | FSL, Latest News, News

To enhance #job opportunities and achieve sustainable income for individuals in northwest Syria, our #Economic Empowerment Program aims to help beneficiaries develop their skills by training them on writing proposals for their small projects, and having them evaluated by a specialized committee. Then we provide grants to launch their projects and work on #marketing them in the best way. This contributes to economic growth in the region and improving the quality of life for beneficiaries and their communities.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #women #girls #support #economy

Providing Clean Water For 17K Beneficiaries in Western Idlib Through Solar Energy

By | Latest News, News, Wash

More than 17,000 #beneficiaries from the western neighborhoods of #Idlib city will have sustainable access to clean water after the installation of a solar energy system for the Thalatheen water station, and support for its operational expenses. This project is implemented by Ihsan for Relief and Development, one of the Syrian Forum’s programs, in collaboration with Save the Children International.

#Turkiye #Syria #SyrianForum #Ihsan #health #water #life #installation #nature