
SCD Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Solidarity in Jinderes with the Victims of the February Earthquake

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The Women’s Empowerment Center in Jinderes, one of the areas most affected by the disaster, organized solidarity events on the anniversary of the devastating earthquake on February 6, 2023. The events included visiting the graves of colleagues Wafaa Lozeh and Zuhour Ibrahim, who made significant contributions to women during their tenure at the center and lost their lives in the earthquake. In addition, there was a visit to the Civil Defense exhibition, which displayed photos and equipment used in rescue and relief operations.

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Honoring the Syrian Civil Defense Team in Harbanoush

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On the first anniversary of the devastating February earthquake, we remember with great reverence and appreciation the heroic efforts of the Syria Civil Defense, which they exerted during those difficult days. The team faced immense challenges in the aftermath of the earthquake, and thanks to their courage and sacrifices, they were able to save many lives and limit the disaster’s impact on the families.

In honor of their efforts; our teams at the Community Center in Harbanoush initiated a thank you initiative for the Syria Civil Defense team who responded to the call of duty without hesitation to enhance their noble humanitarian work.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #Aleppo #idlib #earthquake #support #women #empowerment #civildefense #remember