
LEGO Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

LEGO activity for young girls in Idlib

By | Latest News, News, Protection

Our teams in Idleb are organizing LEGO activities for young girls, fostering their creativity, sharpening logical and problem-solving skills, and boosting their self-confidence and goal-achievement capabilities.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #child #develop #lego #learn #Idlib

Training Child Protection Teams with LEGO in Idlib

By | Latest News, News, Protection

In order to help children express their feelings and develop their social and emotional skills through playing with LEGOs, our Child Protection team in Idlib, in collaboration with the LEGO Foundation, prepared a facilitators’ training to learn how to use LEGOs and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to make it an effective educational tool.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #support #Children #child #develop #lego #learn #Idlib