
Cleaner Archives - Ihsan Relief and Development

Excavation of Sanitation Lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari Camps to Improve Living Conditions

By | Latest News, News, Wash

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the living conditions for over 5,500 beneficiaries, our teams started the installation works for sewage lines in Al-Ayadi, Al-Bashir, and Al-Hawari camps. This project follows the successful completion of a water station by our water, sanitation, and hygiene teams, underscoring our commitment to providing a healthy and clean environment for the area’s residents.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #sewage #camp #station #clean

Rapid Response to Drinking Water Contamination in Jarabulus

By | Latest News, News, Wash

A broken sewage pipe near the Euphrates River has contaminated drinking water in the city of Jarabulus, leading to several cases of poisoning among the residents.

Our teams in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene sector have swiftly responded to protect people’s health by distributing chlorine tablets for water purification and providing informational brochures on safe methods to disinfect water before use.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #health #water #life #cleaner #nature #Euphrates #contaminated

Installing solar energy at the Abnaa Mahin water station

By | Latest News, News, Wash

To enhance the health conditions of over 8,200 residents in the northern rural areas of Idlib and ensure a clean and sustainable water supply, our teams are in installing a solar power system for the Abnaa Mahin water station. This project aims to boost station efficiency and cut down operational costs.

#ihsan_rd #Syria #SyrianForum #turkey #life #cleaner #nature #installation #power #water