Exposure to psychological stress among IDPs, especially children, may affect them for the rest of their lives.
What Does IhsanRD do about it?
At the reception points of the displaced, in the camps and during the long journey of displacement, thousands of children find themselves in a state of instability or are held in a place where they do not know where they will go after and how the next phase will be and what the unknown fate awaits them, which may affect their psychological stability and development in future.
IhsanRD and through Mobile Protection Teams helps displaced children and adults to overcome the plight of displacement through the provision of psychological support services and management of critical cases and recreational activities for children in addition to awareness sessions for parents and adults.
When the displaced feel this support, it will help to overcome the negative effects associated with the stress experienced by displaced families such as the emergence of unhealthy lifestyles, hostile behavior and psychological situations, whether simple or advanced.
IhsanRD’s mobile protection teams responded to the large waves of displacement that have reached northern Syria recently from Ghouta and northern Homs countryside. After years of besiegement, large numbers of displaced people arrived on an arduous journey that had a profound impact on children and adults. This led to an urgent response by seven mobile teams providing recreational activities for children as well as adult awareness sessions on child protection, gender-based violence and awareness raising of mine risk education. They also provide the first psychological aid to the displaced as soon as they arrive to inform them of their places of reception and the map of services available in the region, and distribute baskets of dignity to women and girls.
In addition to these activities, IhsanRD’s Protection Team provides referral services to the protection centers for children and women within IhsanRD or the centers of other humanitarian organizations, as the case may be.
As protection services for children, women and the most vulnerable are usually linked to other services, IhsanRD coordinates between its various programs to manage situations requiring special assistance through mobile teams providing direct support to vulnerable situations selected according to weaknesses criterias identified in the program.
As part of the emergency response campaign for IDPs, about 28,875 people will benefit from the services provided by IhsanRD’s Mobile Protection Tteams, including 20,200 children.
Protection program at IhsanRD trains the members of mobile teams to be responsible for providing a high quality of services to the beneficiaries, there have been multiple trainings for 53 members of the mobile teams on various topics in child protection, gender-based violence, ERW, Separated children.
IhsanRD also train 75 Ihsan staff members from its various programs sectors on the principles of protection and identification of cases that need coordination with the case management team.