Rehabilitation project of central bakery serving 60,000 people in the southern countryside of Idlib

By Sunday November 26th, 2017FSL, Latest News
In cooperation with WHH, IhsanRD works to support livelihoods and improve safe access to food within the rural areas of Idlib through a number of projects being implemented in several areas in northern Syria, including the rehabilitation of bakeries currently underway in the southern countryside of Idlib, Ihsan has started a rehabilitation project of r central bakery serving 60,000 people in several villages in the southern countryside of Idlib, through the restoration and maintenance of the main building and the rehabilitation of the facilities in it, in addition to providing the bakery with the machines needed for producing bread to the residents in the surrounding areas.
This project comes with others funded by the German Foreign Office in order to support the resilience of Syrian people who suffer from ongoing war for 6 years.