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المسؤوليات الرئيسية
  • اجراء المقابلات الشفهية وجلسات النقاش المركزة وتعبئة الاستبيانات الورقية والالكترونية الخاصة بأنشطة المشروع وضمان الحصول على معلومات دقيقة .
  • التأكد من صحة البيانات التي تم جمعها و تنظيفها و التأكد من جودتها.
  • متابعة كافة أنشطة المراقبة والتقييم الخاصة بالمشروع
  • إيصال جميع المعلومات الخاصة بتنفيذ أنشطة المشروع إلى منسق المراقبة والتقييم والمساءلة والتعلم .
  • إستلام ومتابعة جميع الشكاوي المتعلقة بأنشطة المشروع .



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Qastoon water station serves 16,000 people in Hama countryside after been rehabilated by IhsanRD

By | Latest News, Uncategorised, Wash
Villages in Syria suffer from great difficulty in accessing safe water, especially during the last years of war, which caused the destruction of infrastructure, and many main water stations which feed the villages and towns are neglected, causing suffer for people to search for sources of drinking water. Therefore, IhsanRD works within the WASH program to implement a number of projects for the rehabilitation of water stations and networks in several areas in Syria.
One of those projects is the rehabilitation project of the Qastoun water station in the northern Hama and rehabilitation of the water network within the town.
The water station serves the towns of Qastoon, Al-Luj, Shagurit and Hamimat, with 16,000 inhabitants.
In order to rehabilitate the Qastoon water station in an optimal manner, the project team carried out a number of activities including:
Installation of Submersible pump set, rehabilitation of the generator room, installation of 250KVA generator and 200KVA power transformer, installation of water tanks and fuel tanks, installation of electrical control panels and provision of sterilization systems with the necessary materials in addition to supplying the station with the fuel needed to operate them.
In addition to rehabilitating the drinking water station and the water network, the project includes activating the collection system for water revenues by installing household meters and training the station cadres on the collection and operation system and carrying out the periodic maintenance necessary to ensure the station’s operation after the end of the support period. Region.