Ahmed, 72, displaced from the southern countryside of Idlib with his family of 13.
Due to the recent military escalation in Hama and southern Idlib, and with the intensification of shelling on villages and on the civilian communities, Ahmad’s family was forced to flee like hundreds of thousands of Syrian families who left their homes and villages and headed north, where the situation is relatively safer.
“We left our house with the clothes we were wearing until we reached the western countryside of Aleppo, and we stayed in this worn tent with no mattresses or covers, we just wanted to survive!!
The villagers gave us an old mat and two mattresses to sleep on.” Ahmed said.
It was the most difficult thing Ahmed faced when he saw his children sleeping at night while they were lying on that worn mattresses. Before the displacement, he used to look after his children and cover them while sleeping at night.
“We were in this situation for 20 days, but we felt like it’s 20 years” said Ahmed.
In partnership with CARE International, IhsanRD is carrying out an Emergency Response to the newly displaced people in the north of Syria through the provision of emergency kits that contain mattresses, mat, plastic sheeting and insulation for the tent as well as a water jerrycans and a solar lamp, in addition to the kitchen kits containing spoons, dishes and a pot for cooking and mugs. Of these, 4,500 new arrived displaced families have benefited from this project in the western Aleppo countryside.
Ahmad received this aid and returned to his tent with the distribution team at IhsanRD. The family was very happy to get this assistance as the children opened the kits and scattered the items on the floor of the tent while they are laughing.
Now, Ahmed’s children can sleep on soft mattresses and enjoy the warmth of their blankets in the hope that one day they will return to their home and sleep safely in their beds when the war ends.

In cooperation with our partners, #IhsanRD is meeting the needs of displaced families in northern Syria through the provision of water and sanitation services, and the distribution of hygiene and dignity kits to as many people as possible.
Your support will help us deliver assistance to the most vulnerable people in Syria, especially among displaced communities.

The activities of the project, initiated by IhsanRD in early March, will continue in cooperation with the United Nations International Emergency Fund for Children (UNICEF) to support the resilience of Syrian people in the North of Syria through various projects in trucking water, installation of water tanks, and restoration of a number of water stations, which help to secure clean water for about 150,000 residents of the area hosting large numbers of displaced people from various parts of Syria.
In addition to supporting the population with drinking water, the IhsanRD-UNICEF joint project aims to increase hygiene in the camps and shelters by The installation of toilets with standard specifications in accordance with the basic standards of “Sphere”, as well as the establishment of facilities for the management of solid waste and the collection and disposal of waste from the camps and deportation.
The project also includes support for displaced families through the provision of hygiene kits, blankets, dignity kits, winter clothing kits and water bottles with tablets for sterilization of drinking water.

As the continued displacement waves from the eastern Ghouta and neighborhood of Al-Kadam in Damascus is still arriving to the northern Syria, the emergency response teams continue to work to receive these waves of displacement. Where the number exceeded 29 thousand displaced in March alone.
IhsanRD, in collaboration with a number of “Syrian NGO Alliance” members, is coordinating the response to the new IDPs within Idlib governorate. During March, the waves of displacement have been received one after the other at the reception point – Point 0- then transporting the displaced families to temporary shelters before heading to their new residence in the north of Syria.
IhsanRD’s and other humanitarian organizations’ teams are working on the ground to provide the basic needs to the displaced people such as drinking water, hygiene kits, dignity kits, blankets and children’s clothing, within “0 Point” and in temporary shelters. IhsanRD’s emergency response team also, builds toilets and maintains cleanliness at the reception point, as well as providing continuous water.
“Waseem” the Coordinator of Emergency Response at IhsanRD, spoke of the efforts being made by saying:
“The emergency response teams in the field continues the night by day to provide basic services to new IDPs who have been still flowing continuously and in large numbers.” IhsanRD and a large number of humanitarian organizations are doing their best to alleviate the suffering of our displaced people, and there is great cooperation and coordination at the highest levels among the Syrian organizations, but there are too many needs to provide and we must act quickly, especially as Ramadan approaches “.
IhsanRD’s response comes with the support of the United Nations International Emergency Fund for Children (UNICEF), where a joint project to support new displaced persons in northern Syria was signed a recently through many projects like trucking water to the camps and rehabilitate a number of water plants in the north of Syria. The project also includes the distribution of 48.000 hygiene kits, 18.000 blankets, 10.000 clothes basket, 25.000 water plastic bottles, 9.000 plastic cover and 4000 dignity kits. In addition to the construction and rehabilitation of water courses in reception centers for displaced persons and in camps.

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